May 2. 2023
"How CBD will change your child's life" - Latara Parker
Video edited on Kapwing
Show Notes
Latara is Healthcare Professional, Certified Cannabis Professional. She is a wife, mom, and grandma. Just want to do her part in helping to heal the world by sharing her family’s journey. She said, "Be Present In All Things and Thankful For All Things!"
One study showed that CBD may relieve pain by affecting receptors of the endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate pain, mood, and memory, in addition to many other physiological and cognitive functions.
CBD is a liquid form from the hemp plant and the CBD that one-to-one CBD uses as a full spectrum hemp. A lot of people don't know that there's the isolate a broad and a full spectrum.
Listen to Latara's episode to learn more about her wisdom on CBD and how it helps her family and community.
Are you still in shock that you are a parent of a special needs child?
This show is for parents who are morning the loss of the life and child they thought they would have. For parents who are tired, lonely, and see no hope in sight?
You will learn how to deal with your non-verbal child with a sensory processing disorder, seizures, meltdowns, haircuts, and family trips. Embark on a journey of consciousness, self-care & meditation.
My name is Chad Ratliffe. I am a single father of 5 kids 6 years of age (8-14) and 2 with special needs. 5 years ago, in a nasty divorce, my depression led me to drug addiction and hopelessness. Today, I share with others a life I never imagined possible.
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cbd, parent, people, autism, doctors, zarya, children, daughter, hemp, seizures, thought, life, obsess, mom, michael jackson, heal, family, day, talking, fix
Latara Parker, Chad Ratliffe
Latara 00:00
There's a better better way if I became a brand ambassador and I've been a brand ambassador, I think going on for years now, when I'm out, I share this story, because I want the world to know that it doesn't have to be how they say it's gonna be. You know, I used to think because I worked in health care. I used to think that the doctors knew everything. On the doctor, they don't even know what the ecsu actual doctors, I'm gonna say ECS well, they tell you that it's an endocannabinoid system and it'll help heal your body and bring homeostasis so so when I learned all this, I said, this has to be shared.
Chad Ratliffe 00:38
Welcome to the daily naked parent podcast brought to you by rocket blue. The first ever brand focused on supporting parents with special needs children. Naked parent nation is a group of parents with special needs children, who are willing to give honorable, stripped it all down and take a look at ourselves, our parenting, our family and our plans create a life beyond our wildest dreams. On today's show, we'll be discussing how CBD will change your child's life. Hello naked parent nation and welcome to today's episode of The Naked parent podcast. My name is Chad ratliffe, and I'm your host. Before I introduce you to our guests today, let me start by sharing a message from naked parent nation. Make your parent nations a worldwide community of parents and professionals raising children with all kinds of needs. We come together to share a Naked Truth support our fellow parents and inspire the inner growth that each of us needs to build the life and family of our dreams.
For the parents that are struggling, we want you to know that we will love you until you can love yourself, for your children we pray and send power from our collective group. As we come to understand our divine nature, we realize that there's no need to feel sorry for ourselves be angry or feel lack, we come to understand that our feelings of limitation and separation are only in our minds. Through Self Realization, we expand our consciousness so that the challenges that perplex us today, dissipate one by one until we're able to see and experience gratitude and beauty in everything just as it is. We have the power to create any kind of life we want for ourselves and our families. We do this by living in the naked present moment, one day at a time. This is the process of naked parenting whether this is your first step on the path or your 10th I'd like to welcome you to naked parent nation and the naked parent podcast. So like we do before we get all of the fruits and knowledge from our awesome guests, we do a grounding exercise. So if you'd like to get comfortable and just settle into the space where you are, sit up straight with your spine erect. allow your eyes to softly close if you'd like and lift your gaze to that space right up between your eyebrows. Today, we're gonna go into a meditation of awareness of your problem without fixing it. So with your eyes closed, start to focus on your breath. Long inhales soft smooth exhales and while you do that, I want you to choose a topic a problem in your life Think about how your belly and your chest and your head feel when you reflect on that topic. The emotions that you can associate with these visceral feelings the positive or negative impact and the the stories that you're thinking of have. Think about how you might feel with increased awareness around this topic. When you apply increased mindfulness in your day to day life where there is discontentment the natural habit is to correct it The mind goes into fix it mode.
It often gets us in circular thinking, we just obsess as we go around and around the problem. It's good to reflect it's good to set goals. But obsessing is when we've taken it too far is exercise that we're doing to technique to work with the fix it thinking. We're gonna run into problems in our lives, we need to be able to allow them to move through our consciousness and then out. So focus on your body and your mind right now. For focus back on your breath, and take a few deep breaths and feel the energy that it brings your body. Notice the thoughts that are going through your head right now. What problem are you working on solving? Is there something specific that you're trying to figure out that you just haven't been able to fix? Notice the issue itself and not your thoughts about it. And try to clearly see what the problem is rather than focusing on the solution. Now with that problem in your mind, notice any discomfort you feel. Notice any fear, fear of the unknown insecurity that it brings.
Whatever experiences you're having, look at these issues. And be kind to yourself, look at them with tender awareness. There's no need to judge yourself, beat yourself up. Or especially jump right into fixing it. What do I have to do to fix it? Just be with the discomfort for a moment. I promise you there's a reason for all this. Is there tension in your body right now? And if so, where is it? Where do you notice that tension? Recognize that your mind jumps into that desire to fix it. And then try to let that go. I want you to think of a few phrases right now. A mantra if you will. And say to yourself, I see this discomfort say to yourself The mind wants to fix this problem. And then say May I be with this problem. I see this discomfort. The mind wants to fix it. May I be with this problem. Before we end the meditation, I want you to take a minute and say to yourself what can be done. You don't need to come up with it right now. You don't need to create a step by step plan. You're planting a seed.
You're letting yourself know it's okay to have problems. You're going at a deeper way of handling your problem than obsessing over fixing it, fixing it fixing it. And now that you've planted that seed, take a deep breath in. When you exhale, I want you to let go of everything we discussed and allow the universe to water and sprout that seed one more deep breath in and exhale and come back into the room. As we come back into our bodies, we look at the ability to handle life on life's terms, and not obsess about it. And not struggle with it. All right. And so now, we have Lautaro with us today. Did I say that right? Lazzara?
Latara 10:27
Yes, Ed it.
Chad Ratliffe 10:30
We're happy to have you. You are a mother. You're a wife. You're a grandmother. And you're doing some amazing things in the world to share your family's journey, and spread loves and blessings to families raising special needs children. That sound about right.
Latara 10:52
Yes, yes, that's correct. And thank you so much for having me. It's a pleasure to be here.
Chad Ratliffe 10:58
Yeah, we're excited to hear your story. And we're excited to hear some of the things that CBD is doing in your family's life. Very, very excited to get to that. But before we do, can you just give us a little bit more of a picture of, of who you are, what your family is, like where you're from, so we can get to know you a little better?
Latara 11:20
Well, like you said, I'm a mom, I'm a wife. I'm a grandmother of two boys and a girl suzerainty, and wow, I still can't believe that. I'm saying that. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, and then fast for years. years, years, years of the future, my family relocated and we now reside in Las Vegas, Nevada. I have two daughter, and I have a son. My youngest daughter is Aria. And Zarya was diagnosed with autism when she was two. And then she was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was five. And so now she's 20 years old. Oh my god, she's putting my family we all just, we love each other. We're very close. We spend a lot of time together love singing, dancing, movies, you know, cooking together, just spending time and cherishing each other. My son, he's actually a esports player here in Las Vegas. And he's really involved in the eSports community here.
i My daughter, she's my oldest daughter. She's a cosmetologist, and I actually work in healthcare. I've been working in health care for a long time. And my husband, he works to here in Las Vegas. He was he's a veteran, and he was in the military. So really thankful for him and all his support. As I feel like, you know, what's my family support? Actually, all of them now couldn't be doing what I'm doing without their support. Oh, but yeah, that's, that's a little basic about me. Also, too, after I found out about medicinal cannabis and CBD, and hemp and all that I went back to school, and got my certification from University of Las Vegas, in cannabis, and cannabis and the opioid epidemic.
And UNLV is contracted with the Academy of cannabis science out of Washington. And so working in health care for a long time, and then just finding out about a different way, you know, a more holistic way. And so, so I'll let you know what Zarya when I found out, you know, when she was diagnosed with autism, it just really rocked my world, my family's world. I was just like, What is this? You know, I had really never heard of autism. She became different after she was a normal, healthy baby, normal, healthy baby. And she changed. She charged he started changing like about a year, year and a half. And I noticed something was not quite right for her. So fast forward, getting testing done.
She was diagnosed with those regular things, autism, PDD, ADHD, you know, she developmentally delayed, they told me, Oh, you'll have to learn sign language, she'll never talk. She has to have therapy pretty much for the rest of her life. You're gonna have to take care of her and and support her, you know, so I think I was shot for about maybe like a week and then I went into research mode. You know, I had to put on like a big research hat as a mom to figure out how do I take care of this? This baby you know, this toddler and help her have a good life? A life that I didn't never would have thought it would have ended up like that. You know, because I had two children. Previous before her or that we're completely healthy. And so autism, it definitely walks you as a parent. Because you're just, it just comes out of nowhere. And there's nothing really that any of us do wrong. It's just something that a lot of us ends up having in common, you know, with our children with special needs. But she, it was tough, you know, raising her, you know, a lot of challenges a lot, a lot a doctor's appointment. And fast forward to when she turned five, she started having seizures. So my world was rocked again, like, wait a minute, wait a minute, not only does she have autism, now, you're telling me she has epilepsy because she kept having seizures, seizures, and she would have grandma seizures.
And then she also have absent seizures. So I knew about epilepsy being in health care. My mom had epilepsy. She got it when she was an older as an adult to that was just, it just amazes me how our bodies, they do always say our bodies are kind of like a car. It could even be a new car, it can still break down and still have issues. When I was getting Zarya treatment, we were in Chicago. And so she got a lot of her treatment done at the University of Chicago and Congress Children's Hospital. And they wanted to put a chip in her, you know, because she was having so many seizures, her EEG was off where like, the doctor was like, like both sides of her brain. Well, she's just got a seizure activity. And I just said, No, because for some reason, I knew that one day, something else would help her.
You know, I was like, let's just treat it with medication. And no, at this time, she was five years old. I knew nothing about what I know now. But I am glad that there was something in me that just didn't want them to put a chip inside of my child. It just didn't sound like to me it just just didn't sound right for me. It didn't sit right and I wasn't comfortable with them doing that. And so I'm really glad that I decided again, another thing that I have to share so people can know a little bit more about my family's journey. Zarya, and this is probably gonna sound crazy for a lot of people. But I do want to make sure that I shared this Zarya, as she got older. She loves music. I would say at about seven years old, you know, 789 years old. Michael Jackson, she just got obsessed with Michael Jackson. I mean, we even had when we would have birthday parties for her.
We didn't have a Michael Jackson impersonator and come and do the party for her. And so one day, Laurie, you had to go into the hospital to get some testing done. She had to get an MRI done because she had a tremor on her right side of her body. And they were trying to determine if the tremors were from the seizure activity. They you know, they didn't know I mean, literally it would look like she had talked, you know, she would just just say, and so she also was getting admitted, so that she can get a 24 hour EEG done. So they can you know, check on the seizures and everything. So Zarya was in the radiology department, and they were, you know, preparing her to go get the MRI done because of course with her having autism, there's not going to sit still for an MRI. And so they sedated her. They say to her what profile and a lot of people may not know and some may know if you know Michael Jackson if you're a fan, but pro football was what actually killed Michael Jackson. So make a long story short, because we'll be here for two hours. The Arya when she came out of her tests, the nurses just like you know, okay, give her about 20 minutes she should wake up and then we'll go take you guys up to the room. Volume never woke up.
Chad Ratliffe 19:02
Oh my goodness,
Latara 19:03
she never woke up. And this was at like nine something in the morning. And then was also I think, God that I am in health care because I know how to revive a fine gonna monitor I know what a, you know, a fast heartbeat is or, you know, not a good blood pressure. I know those things. And I'm looking at her vitals and they they didn't look like to me. And I got the nurse. And she was just like, oh, you know, it's okay, Mom. It's just a side effect from the medicine. And I told her I said, Well, you said that she should be up and about 20 minutes. At this point. It had been like an hour.
And it's like, you're, she's like, oh, yeah, you're right. And she was like, let me go and let the doctor know something's going on. And she was like, and we're gonna move her up to her room. So by the time they transferred Zarya, from the radiology department from recovery to her room, her blood pressure had dropped. Her heart rate had dropped in her temperature had dropped It was, it was really scary. I thought that my daughter was going to die in hours. By the time I was on the phone with her father, my family was at the hospital in the room, my daughter, you know, at the time now this and by this time they got their huggers on Zarya, she's completely there.
You know, they're trying to figure out what they need to do for her. I think our temperature had got down to about 92 or 91, or something like that. Yeah, it was bad. And my daughter, we were literally crying and praying, praying and crying. No response. They just the doctors didn't know they just like we don't understand what's wrong with her. My oldest daughter, she said, What are we playing her music that she liked? What if we played it now, but I was so obsessed with Michael Jackson that I always kept. And I still do now keep up with her, you know, a CD or movie or something where she can look at him on video. And my daughter said, let's play the music. And the doctor was like, the doctors are in the residents. Everybody was in the room. It was just one big crowded room. And he said, What is she talking about? And I said, Well, she really is a Michael Jackson. And she really loves music. And he said, I don't care if the whole hospital hears that he was like blasted. If you think it'll wake her up and get her out of this. And that's what my daughter did. My daughter put the music on. And after about a minute. Her fingers started moving.
Chad Ratliffe 21:32
Oh my gosh,
Latara 21:33
I kid you not. And I shared the story. Even on the mic with the Michael Jackson estate. We're actually friends with his estate. But yeah, she woke up, woke up her eyes open. And she was just looking like, Okay, what is going on? And where am I and you know, and we're just all hollering and crying. And it was really truly a miracle. And I always tell everybody, I really feel like he's truly her Angel. And we had a big party. After once she recovered and everything was done and she came back home. We had a big party, of course with the Michael Jackson impersonator as well. So, I know that there are some parents who have had children and their children have died. Their children have been so sick, you know, and it could be from any type of illness. I'm just really thankful that my daughter did not die.
Chad Ratliffe 22:28
Yeah, I'm thankful.
Latara 22:31
So yeah, so fast for all these years. Larissa, she was not really, really verbal. She did not become verbal until she turned around 16 When I started getting her CBD, I started getting her CBD, consulted with her pediatrician and her neurologist, and I told them, I said, I am tired of my daughter having all these different side effects on these medications. I said I've been doing research, which I was, and I was going to school, and I found out about 101 CBD. And I actually found about found out about one on one CBD at a transitions conference in Reno, Nevada, through the autism hope Alliance.
I don't know if you've ever heard of them. I saw a sample with a CBD. And I heard you know the lady talking about how CBD is helping our children fight autism. And then there was other doctors there as well about CBD. And they have kind of topicals and creams and tinctures and things. And I was like this. And again, one instead of research model inspired finding out I called them and they sent me a sample for laria. They sent me a sample of the CBD for her. The company was actually started because their son had autism. He is the autism and he's actually not even clinically diagnosed with autism anymore. Wow. And so when I started giving Zarya the CBD, I noticed that she started doing things, she became a little bit more independent. She wasn't afraid. And then she started talking.
Say, yeah, so I went from doing you know, like sick, you know, because if she didn't feel well, she would go sick. And then she said, Mommy Gnostic. Mommy, I love you. I mean, the first time that I heard her speak, we all were in the house crying. I said, Why are you talking? She's talking and I contacted Justin bitten this actually over 101 CBD I contacted Justin and his mom. And I told them I said sorry. Maria is talking. And they were like, Yeah. And they were all trying to. And so when I talked to her school, they said, well, we'll continue because she had an iPad. She has assistive technology, iPads. And they said that we'll continue to give her the iPad has already has started advancing in school. She became so much more loved so much more social than she was. She started showing interest in things. She's like, now she's trying to read. I never even thought about that.
Writing. Everything has been technical. We're just you know, so use the iPad. But just to even now, as I talk about it, I still get the chills. Because the doctors told me that my daughter would never talk. Yeah. And then yeah, and so she's talking. And then what's her neurologist? When he did the last EEG, he said, he was like, Yeah, czars. Okay? She's like, I don't see any seizure activity. Sorry, I haven't had a seizure within the last three year.
Chad Ratliffe 26:09
Oh, my goodness. I've never gotten the chills so many times this early in the show. Go ahead, keep going. Sorry.
Latara 26:18
I wanted to learn more. And that's why I ended up going back to school. And I told her pediatrician when I took it to the doctor, you know, because he said, I have this thing Zarya. In a long time. He was like, she must be doing really good. And so I said, she is doing great. And he said he said, you know, wouldn't it be something one day if I provide a prescription for CBD? He like wouldn't it be something if the insurance companies decided to cover this? Because it can actually heal. So I want to encourage all of the families out there who have an individual on the spectrum, everything that you thought you knew and everything that the doctors told you. It is not true. If there is hope, there is hope for our children to have a bright future. And I have been on this journey. I became a brand ambassador with one on one CVD Yeah. And I said, Okay, this stuff is good.
And so on another note, I said, let me start taking it because I was like no with multiple sclerosis. So I take it in Florida, Texas, and pretty much everybody in my family takes it. And I learned that we have an endocannabinoid system. And when I learned that, I really was upset. I told my professor I said, You mean to tell me that we have an entire other systems that I've never seen in an anatomy and physiology book. I went to school for medical assistant, I took anatomy and physiology one and two. I've never heard of it. But we do. We have an endocannabinoid system. We have receptors in our body that are ready to receive what the plant does to heal us. And I was like, Do you know what this means? We just needed to get a little bit more data out there. And none of the data is out there. And like I say, rest and peace and Dr. Raphael McCollum, who was the godfather of CBD, he recently passed away. But he was one of the scientists that discovered that we have these receptors in our body, and that it was harmless, but that it will help kill us. And so even when people see me, they're like, Oh, my God, you're a grandma. And I'm like, if so plant, I use the plant every day.
I use the plant every day. And so when Zarya had her last IEP, the team decided to take her diagnosis from severe to moderate. Wow. So I just want parents to know that there's hope. You know, there's hope. And if you want your children or your child because I know some families have more than one person with autism or wanting one kid with special needs, yeah, like yourself. And there is hope for your kids to play sports, there is hope for your kids to go to college. I never thought that I would be prepping her to go to college here in Vegas. UNLV has a program called Project focus for our children who have disabilities to go to college to have post secondary education. My parents, they always instill education in me. And so I instill that in my children. And I never would have thought Jesus Christ, she'll be able to go and walk around campus. She'll be able to go on her own because I think maybe two weeks ago, she told me I liked him. She was like mommy home I can stay by myself. I said what?
Chad Ratliffe 29:56
This is unbelievable. Yeah, so
Latara 29:59
I'll I'll tell you more about the CBD. So the CBD is a liquid form is from the hemp plant and the CBD that one to one CBD uses as a full spectrum hemp. A lot of people don't know that there's the isolate a broad and a full spectrum. And so I can get really scientific. So I don't want to get too scientific. I'm trying to break it down as best as possible for people to understand. Okay, thanks. Sure it's an oil. And it comes in a glass bottle with a dropper like how the Tylenol medicine has a dropper. And I dropped it underneath her tongue, and she takes it twice a day. I give it to her in the morning, and we've taken on an empty stomach. And then I give it to her before she goes to bed. The CBD is helping her to not sound gold and hit those milestones, but I never thought that she would be able to do like making up her bed. You know, we still we're still working on her being able to get dressed completely by herself without having her clothes on correctly. But little things that she does, like she'll go, and she'll get the swifter to ship like money. clean floor. And I'm like, Yeah, you want to clean the floor. Yeah, ma'am. Yeah, ma'am. And I'm just like, okay, Laurie. Yeah, so she'll try to go and you know, clean up, just her interests. She's more interested in music. She started learning how to play the drum. She told me she wants to learn how to drive. And I was just like, Oh, I'm like, I don't know, I'm not ready for that. But it has made me I've always wondered what her world was like.
And it has made this journey has put me into her world so much more, you know, I think that our children, they're so smart, and they're so intelligent. And that social barrier that they said that they will have, it can get better. I have helped other families who have individuals with autism. And I've gotten nothing but good responses. And thank you. And so my mission as a mom, who has a child on the spectrum, is to let other parents know that your child can have a better quality of life. And that the future is bright, don't give up, keep fighting, keep going. And you know, we also work on her nutrition, because whatever goes in the gut to, you know, that's really important. So always make sure I tell you know, everyone who has an individual with disabilities, watch their diet, like what they're eating, that's very important. And so we did do you know, we do do gluten free, and, you know, I made sure she eats natural foods. But that CBD, that CBD is taking that part of her brain that was not functioning right. And it's putting a it's taken all those little autism puzzle pieces, and it's putting the puzzle together for her. Yeah, and you know what, I still have to sit back and think about it, when I'm getting ready to do something for her that I no longer do.
I'm so used to doing you know, as a parent, you're so used to helping them teaching them to advocate for themselves, teaching them to do this, kids want to do this, help them do that, you know, I'm not used to her going into the refrigerator for her own water in her water bottle. Being able to go and fix herself a bowl of cereal, or just go get a snack, you know, go grab a banana or an orange on her own. That's huge. It is huge. It is and I really, really want to let people know that it doesn't our boxes, doctors, and not especially the ones that don't believe in holistic care. Yeah. I feel like some doctors are just kind of like drug pushers. You know, they give us these prescription for our kids and tell us give them this, then our kids take this medicine and then they have this side effect. And then they have to go get another medicine to cover the first side effect, the other medicine call. And then next thing you know you get 3456 prescriptions for your children and all those prescriptions are doing is just trying to take away the side effect that the first prescription call.
Chad Ratliffe 34:29
This is unbelievable. This is this is so exciting. I mean, I have to I have to say that. I focus on the parents and I focus on us getting right and part of the reason I focus on that is because of a lack of belief of what my son's potential could be. You know, sometimes, I mean, yes, it's good. We need to work on ourselves. But sometimes, I think I forget about possibility and so on. just trying to be okay with what is rather than pushing for what's possible and you're bringing a message that has me like, how what, where do we go? What did we do? What do we sign up for? Where do we get it? You know, what steps can I take? So, yeah,
Latara 35:18
I will say this, I don't know if someone whoever listening, they can write down the website, they can also follow me. So the name of the company is 101 CBD like the 101 Highway in California. So just to give you a background about it, they're out of Ventura, California, that's what the hemp farm is that that's what they produce the hemp, and I'll say this to about 30 minutes
Chad Ratliffe 35:44
from there, right?
Latara 35:46
They look, you can go and meet Justin. But so people don't know that the cannabis plant has two sides. Okay, I'm gonna break it down like quick to five. The hemp side, the marijuana side, hemp side makes a lot of different things we'll say that you can use to make money with him. Hemp help heal. Hemp is 0.3% or less of THC. So that's a very, very, very tiny slice of the TGA cannabinoid system that I was talking about helps to bring homeostasis and balance it out. So whatever, I'll say this too, I have to go back to various prior to having issues with her her feet, I will say female system, she was having an issue with that. And they had to give her birth control to regulate that. She doesn't take that anymore. The CBD has regulated everything in her body. She goes to the bathroom more a lot of our children are with autism, they have issues with their bowels, and they have constipation.
And I don't have half of the things that I used to go to and not worry about the stress over there. They're all gone. We still have further to go because she's still working on her communication and everything. But just to be able to sit down and read a book. And then she's reading or watching TV without any interruption for at least two hours. That's something that I could you could do, you know, but yeah, I wanted to just just just explain that right quick. But so one on one CBD has a one on one CBD one on one hand, they're out of Ventura, California, they started the company because their son had autism. Again, he's not even on the spectrum.
He started out in California on in the water, and he also plays baseball. And so people can go to the website is www dot 101 and fill out there's a consultation form, it's completely free, fill that consultation form out and tell them that look, Harvard, please. You know, I really, really would highly, highly suggest that if you want your child on the spectrum to have a better quality of life, do those things that you thought that they would never be able to do? I highly suggest you do that. Because this is new. This is healthcare is changing. You know a lot of doctors are becoming a holistic doctor. You have a medical marijuana Nurses Association now. And so I really want people to understand there's a difference between THC and CBD. And CBD A is CBD and CBD. There are so many you know, people if they're not studying it, they don't understand it. But I'll say this, do your research. You know, do some research. If you're a mom or dad that wants a career try and learn about the cannabis industry. That's what I did. I said, Wait a minute, if this CBD got my daughter talking, what else would it do for her? If this type of her seizures, what else would it do for her? You know, this helping me find multiple sclerosis. What else can it do for our people who fighting cancer, diabetes, sickle cell, all kinds of diseases out there. There's, there's a better better way if I became a brand ambassador, and I've been a brand ambassador, I think going on for years now. And when I'm Thank you, when I'm out, I share this story because I want the world to know that it doesn't have to be it doesn't have to be how they say it's going to be you know, I used to think because I worked in healthcare. I used to think that the doctors knew everything. I'm a doctor, they don't even know what the ecsu Aqua Docker, I put into ECS when I tell you that it's an endocannabinoid system and to help heal your body and bring homeostasis so so when I learned all this, I said This has to be shared.
Chad Ratliffe 40:02
Hell yeah. Hallelujah.
Latara 40:06
Miracle to be shared. And that's what we call it. The Miracle plan. Justin also hosts the miracle plant podcast. Sometimes we will host in the clubhouse, and we go in this clubhouse and we talk to all different parents. It's also Canada mom group. There is a lot of moms out there that you know, support given their children's CBD because it keeps them happy, and it keeps them healthy. And that is something that I also share on my blog. I do it at pars TTAR, a UfP. on all social media, Twitter, Instagram, and then on Facebook and Facebook. It's CBD with cars tea. And I also share pitches and Zarya, I share our journey. And I'll tell you this Autism Awareness Month is literally around the corner. Do something different this month? Yeah, learn about CBD, and learn how you can help your child heal. And I'll tell you this, too. Don't go to the gas station, and these dispensaries and just go say, Oh, well, she said to get CBD. Now you got to order the product from one on one CBD. Because that's what Zarya is taking this is a legit company. Gluten Free is vegan, and my daughter has never gotten sick. She hasn't even had a cold. Wow.
Chad Ratliffe 41:38
This is gonna be the most watched show that I've created. I mean, you just put a message out there that has people wondering, is it possible for me to is it possible for my child to
Latara 41:52
and be consistent and you can even get sign up for a monthly subscription? Because that's what me and her dad decided to do. When we found out that this helps her. And she used to didn't like to take it. She's like, No, no, no. And I was like, come on. And she was like no. And so I had to make, I had to put it in her put in I had to put it in her smoothies. But one thing about CBD, you can mix it in food. So they eat oatmeal, you can put it in there, you know, because sometimes they may not like to say when you order it, you can't add a flavor. I think the one she has is like citrus or blackberries.
But she's gotten so used to it. She literally just goes like, you know, people literally open her mouth because she knows that it's good. Even when she sees the package coming in the mail to go for me mommy me into hold it up like Yeah, and so my 101 CBD family, they would really be glad to hear from more families we're trying to help heal. I think it's like 25 billion by like 2025 or 2026 or something like that. But um, anybody can Google 101 CBD, or one on one hand, I do have a promo code they can use which is my name in all caps, Lucara 25. And it will save you 25% off, I'll tell you one, even better if you let them know that your family member has autism, they will send you a free sample. Because again, remember that this company was started to help their son heal and defeat autism. So I just want to encourage all of you, you know, everybody, so that you can experience what I'm experienced. Even just, I used to even have to walk her to the school wasn't I just thought about the school bus. When the school bus will come she would just have so much anxiety that she wouldn't even want to walk to the school bus. And now I'm literally just watching her and she goes find mommy loves you. You know like listening to her as her speech gets better and better every day, watching her dance and sing and play and get creative and she's drawing and she's, you know, she's trying to read books and write more and just see her do things that she never do. She told me she wanted to say airport. Just tell me she wanted to say our
Chad Ratliffe 44:18
phone wants a cell phone.
Latara 44:21
She went from being nonverbal. You know, even her speech teacher. You know her speech teacher her school, she goes to a special special needs school here in Vegas. She's almost aging out now that she's older. My daughter started his journey when she was 16. If somebody out there has a child that's 234 or five, yes, your child can take CBD. It is non cycle active. It helps heal it help heals. Oh my god. It helps healed your child can have a better quality of life. They don't have to suffer If somebody would have told me when Laurie was to their CBD would help her. And if she didn't have to go to a specialty school her entire life, I would have ran to that CBD store. Yeah, okay.
Yeah, it can be shipped right to you. So let people know when you go online, fill out the consultation form, it's free, you can set it up and you can talk to them because some kids have other issues. Every child with autism is not the same. You know, they always say you've met one individual autism, you've met one individual with autism. Yeah, I've been, my daughter will be 21 years old in September. And I'm going to keep fighting. And I'm going to keep sharing our journey. And I'm going to keep letting people know, oh, have you tried CBD? What a message drink that, you know, don't think that it's bad. Because you have to be transparent, you have to keep an open mind. And I really, really am grateful for this miracle plant. Because I'm able to not be as stressed out, I'm not taking her to the doctor and to the therapist, like I used to. You know, and I want you to know that it, it can be a lot different.
Chad Ratliffe 46:14
It's hard. I mean, you're the message you brought today to this show, and to our listeners is incredible. And I just want to thank you for giving us a pathway and giving us some hope. And you just brought a message that has us excited. And I just want to I want to thank you and I say congratulations for all the effort that you put to find this pathway that's going to give millions of people hope, I mean, millions of people, I mean, we're all sitting there struggling feeling like there's no hope.
Latara 46:52
That was me. So that used to be me, that used to be me. I was I was thinking, Oh, this child is not going to be able to do this. I'm gonna have to always have her with me. Yeah. Oh, much more independent. And it's, it's even happier, her mood completely changed. You know, these kids making get grumpy, they're frustrated. They're trying to communicate, people don't understand them. Trust me, I know everything. I've been there. Like I said, my daughter was almost 21. If I can save someone from going through this medication, and that medication and this therapist and that referral for this referral.
Chad Ratliffe 47:31
Yeah, yeah,
Latara 47:32
that's what I'm here to do. I really, really highly, highly urge you to try it. Give it a try. I know of the moms and dads who have and then like, God bless you, girl. Thank you for telling me. I mean, it can help. Well, let's
Chad Ratliffe 47:50
try it. Let's get some more results. Let's get some more testimonials. And just to recap for you know, anybody who just started listening, we're talking about CBD, we're talking about the miracle of a natural plant. And check the show notes. To find Lazzara on social media. And find out what she's doing. Find out about her daughter, get to 101 CBD, that org, and then tell them let Tara sent you. And if you have an autistic child or a child with special needs, they'll send you a free first run at it. And then share the feedback with us so we can continue spreading this message of hope. Wow, it's exciting. I want to thank you for taking the time to be with us today. I would love to connect down the road and talk about this more. And you know, but for today from naked parent nation and from myself, thank you for being with us and sharing your knowledge and your heart with us.
Latara 48:52
You're welcome. My pleasure, Mike. All right. We'll
Chad Ratliffe 48:55
be in touch with you. Okay, we got to do this again. Yes. Thanks, Tara. Thank you. Oh, bye. Bye.
This concludes our show for today. And I'd like to personally thank you for spending the time with us on a topic near and dear to our hearts. If you'd like to be part of the naked parent nation, and help us reach those parents that are struggling and overwhelmed. There's no better way to help them by subscribing rating and reviewing the show on iTunes. iTunes highlights the shows based on these metrics. And the more the show gets highlighted, the more opportunities people will have to be introduced to the show where they can hear that message of hope, or that tip that can change everything. So follow the link in our show notes. And we hope to have you back here tomorrow where we'll do it again. From the team here at the naked parent podcast we wish you the life you've always dreamed of and then some so long Hello
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